Oriental Medicine is a complete form of healthcare that incorporates not just acupuncture but includes herbal medicine and food therapy with as much importance. These modalities combined in treatment protocols for an individual allow for more optimal results between acupuncture sessions. At OmniQi, we take pride in our extensive training and 13+years of practice not just as acupuncturists but as Practitioners of Oriental Medicine as well. Because of our extensive training we are able to utilize even more modalities when necessary to our individual patients while addressing their needs.
Herbal Medicine
Chinese herbal formulas are given to address particular patterns at the time they are prescribed. They are used in conjunction with your treatment protocol so as to enhance your recovery time between sessions when needed. Each herb within the formulas works synergistically with the other herbs. At OmniQi we offer organic, wild harvested chinese herbs and chinese herbal formulas to our patients. For the safety of our patients we are trained in cross referencing drug and herb interactions.
Cupping is used to alleviate pain, stiffness and improve local circulation. Cupping alleviates local stagnation of qi and blood, improves lymphatic flow to areas of the body with poor circulation. Cupping is used for musculoskeletal issues but also by a trained acupuncturist to address, colds, skin problems, allergies and asthma by placing cups directly over specific acupuncture points or specific areas of the body. At OmniQi we use glass cups with fire to create suction. Depending on your treatment plan we may either slide the cups, do flash cupping or place the cups directly over specific points.
Gua Sha
Guasha is a scraping technique that is applied to the skin used for centuries to alleviate local pain, release toxins and strengthen the immune system, “one’s wei qi.”
“Gua” means to scrape and “sha” represents what comes to the surface of the skin.
Guasha is anti-inflammatory and immune stimulating to the body. It is not just used for stagnant qi and blood resulting in pain but also for common symptoms such as fever, cough, wheezing, long and short term injuries when done properly by a trained acupuncturist who understands the medicine along with its proper use and technique.
(Moxa) means to burn an herb. The most common herb used for moxibustion is Mugwort. We burn this herb over certain acupuncture points or locations of the body in order to strengthen, tonify and warm the point or meridian (pathway). There are many reasons to use Moxibustion in the proper way according to your practitioner’s treatment plan and protocol.